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Brevo vs Benchmark Email – Which is better?

Brevo vs Benchmark Email


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Brevo (Previously Sendinblue)

Forever Free Plan: Yes (Click here to see the Free Plan)

Features of the free plan –

✅ Unlimited Contacts/Email list subscribers
✅ 300 emails/day
✅ Customizable Email
✅ Drag & Drop Editor
✅ Transactional Emails
✅ SMS & WhatsApp Campaigns

Paid Plans: From $25 a month

$25 plan includes:

✅ Everything in the free plan (including unlimited contacts)
✅ From 20k emails/month
✅ No daily sending limit
✅ Basic reporting & analytics
✅ Email support


Forever Free Plan: Yes

Features of the free plan –

✅ 3,500 emails per month
✅ Segment Lists
✅ Drag & Drop Editor
✅ LiveChat support
❌ 500 Contact/Email list subscriber limit
❌ SMS & WhatsApp Campaigns

Paid plans: From $9 per month

$9 plan includes:

✅ 150,000 Contacts/Email list subscribers
✅ Email Authentication
✅ Landing Pages
✅ Surveys
✅ Schedule Emails
✅ Email Engagement Automations

Email marketing remains an integral part of a robust online marketing strategy. Two platforms that have garnered significant attention in this domain are Brevo and Benchmark Email. In this comprehensive review, we’ll delve deeper, considering every aspect from automation to ecommerce, to help you optimize your marketing campaigns.

Brevo vs Benchmark Email – Breakdown

1. Introduction:

When choosing an email marketing software, it’s not just about sending emails; it’s about integrating various tools, understanding ecommerce needs, and optimizing for conversions. So, how do Brevo and Benchmark Email hold up?

2. Integration Capabilities:

  • Brevo: With a strong ability to integrate seamlessly with platforms like WordPress, WooCommerce, and other marketing tools, Brevo proves its mettle as a comprehensive marketing tool. Its widget options and Google Analytics integration also provide added insights.
  • Benchmark Email: This platform boasts of its Zapier integration, allowing you to connect it with thousands of online-marketing tools. Whether you’re using WooCommerce for ecommerce or just need to integrate a simple widget, Benchmark Email has got you covered.

3. Features and Ecommerce Solutions:

  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Both platforms support abandoned cart emails, a vital tool for ecommerce businesses. With increasing abandonment rates, this feature can significantly optimize conversion rates.
  • Email Templates: From newsletters to ecommerce promotions, both platforms offer a diverse range of email templates designed to suit various marketing campaigns. Brevo offers a slight edge with more modern designs compared to Benchmark Email.

4. Advanced Features:

  • Marketing Automation and Funnel Design: Automate your marketing campaigns with both platforms’ advanced triggers. Whether someone clicked on a particular link or just joined your email list, these platforms can automate responses, helping lead your subscriber down the sales funnel.
  • Spam and Deliverability: Nobody wants their marketing campaigns landing in spam. Both Brevo and Benchmark Email use sophisticated algorithms and filters to ensure a high open rate, optimizing the subject line and content to avoid the dreaded spam folder.
  • Analytics: Apart from integrating with Google Analytics, both platforms provide comprehensive insights. Track conversions, monitor open rates, and even see which email addresses interact the most with your campaigns.
  • Other Tools: From autoresponders to widgets and WordPress plugins, both platforms ensure that online-marketing for your business is as seamless as possible. Benchmark Email offers a free-trial, allowing businesses to test their platform. Brevo, on the other hand, charges per-month, providing scalability.

5. The Community and Learning:

Both platforms offer extensive resources, from setting up your first email campaign to advanced marketing strategy. Whether you’re looking to send newsletters or design a comprehensive marketing funnel, there’s a guide for everything. Campaign monitor features, for instance, provide insights into best practices.

6. Pricing and Plans:

Benchmark Email entices with a free-trial, allowing users to experience its features before committing. Brevo operates on a per-month pricing model, scaling based on email lists and email addresses stored. It’s essential to compare based on your email list size and marketing service needs.


Brevo and Benchmark Email, with their expansive features, stand tall as formidable email marketing software platforms. The choice boils down to specific needs – whether you prioritize ecommerce integrations, marketing tools, or the flexibility of a free trial. As with any marketing strategy, the best approach is to test and see which aligns with your objectives.

Further comparions –

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