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Brevo vs Sendgrid

brevo vs sendgrid


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Brevo Free Plan

brevo vs moosend


What you get:

✅ Unlimited contacts
✅ 300 emails/day
✅ Customisable email templates
✅ Transactional emails
✅ SMS & WhatsApp campaigns
✅ Push Notifications (500 impressions)
✅ Shared Inbox
✅ Transactional Email sending
✅ Custom webhooks
✅ Workflow editor
✅ Marketing Automation (Up to 2,000 contacts)

SendGrid Free Plan


✅ 2,000 contacts
✅ 6,000 emails/month
✅ Design Editor
✅ 1 signup form
✅ Templates
✅ Ticket Support
✅ Send scheduling
✅ Automation

In the realm of email marketing software, finding the right platform can be a daunting task and there just seems to be hundreds, and there probably are.

If you’ve been searching for a while, you know Brevo and SendGrid are two prominent players in the market, so let’s dig in.

Brevo vs SendGrid – Which is better?

Each offers a comprehensive suite of features to help you automate, integrate, and optimize your email marketing efforts.

In this comparison, we will dive into the key aspects of both platforms to help you make an informed decision about which one is best for you.


Pricing is often a significant factor to consider when selecting an email marketing software, so let’s start there. Here’s a overview of their free plans.

Free Plans

As you can see, both plans have boatloads of features. Brevo’s free plan clearly edges Sendgrid in terms of contact list numbers, with Brevo boasting a cool unlimited users vs Sendgrid’s 2,000. When it comes to sends, Brevo technically also 3,000 more emails per month but you are limited daily as opposed to Sendgrid’s 6,000 across the whole month.

That being said, Brevo also offers a lot that Sendgrid doesn’t such as Transactional emails, SMS & WhatsApp campaigns and Push Notifications, so generally you’re getting more overall with Brevo.

Paid Plans

As always, we’ll run off the basis of the cheapest plans from both and put them side by side.

Brevo Essentials Plan

brevo vs moosend

$25 / month

What you get:

✅ Everything in Free
Unlimited contacts
✅ From 20k emails/month
✅ Email Template Gallery
✅ No daily sending limit
✅ Email support

SendGrid Basic 5K Plan

$15 / month

What you get:

Everything in Free
✅ 5,000 contacts
✅ 15,000 emails/month
✅ 5 Signup Forms

Ok so let’s have a look –

Brevo Pricing: Brevo offers a range of plans, including a free plan that provides access to essential features. Their paid plans start at $25 per month, providing additional features and higher sending limits. With Brevo’s unlimited contacts feature, you can grow your subscriber list without worrying about additional costs.

SendGrid Pricing: SendGrid’s paid plans start at $15 per month, offering advanced features like email automation and advanced segmentation.

Tough call again here. You are going to have to pay $10 more per month with SendGrid, but you lose out on unlimited contacts and the SMS, WhatsApp etc. Too close to call.

User Interface and Ease of Use

When it comes to the user interface, both Brevo and SendGrid provide intuitive and user-friendly platforms.

Brevo’s interface is clean, modern, and easy to navigate. Their drag-and-drop editor allows you to create visually appealing emails without any coding knowledge.

The platform offers a wide selection of customizable email templates, ensuring that your emails align with your brand.

Additionally, Brevo’s workflow editor enables you to create automated marketing workflows based on user behavior, helping to nurture leads and drive conversions.

SendGrid also offers a user-friendly interface, although some users have reported occasional glitches. The platform provides a straightforward email editor with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to design professional-looking emails quickly.

SendGrid’s automation features, such as triggered emails and lifecycle campaigns, enable you to engage with your subscribers throughout their customer journey.

Both are user-friendly and powerful, with Brevo slightly tipping the balance with its reliability, which might explain their rating differences on Capterra.

Features and Functionality

Brevo and SendGrid offer a wide range of features to enhance your email marketing campaigns.

Automation: Automation is a critical aspect of email marketing software today, and both platforms offer pretty good automation capabilities.

Brevo provides advanced automation features, including autoresponders and triggered emails, allowing you to send personalized messages based on user behavior and specific triggers.

SendGrid also offers automation features, allowing you to automate your email campaigns and deliver timely messages to your subscribers.

Integration: Integration with other tools and platforms can be really important for streamlining your marketing efforts if not now, but later down the line.

Both Brevo and SendGrid integrate seamlessly with popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Magento, as well as CRM systems like Salesforce. This integration capability can be vital in tracking conversions from your campaigns and managing your customer’s data effectively.

Analytics and Reporting: Both Brevo and SendGrid offer robust analytics and reporting tools to track the performance of your email campaigns.

Brevo’s reporting dashboard provides detailed insights into open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and more. Their real-time tracking feature allows you to monitor the success of your campaigns as they happen.

SendGrid also offers comprehensive analytics, including email engagement metrics and inbox placement rates, helping you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Additionally, SendGrid’s powerful A/B testing functionality allows you to optimize your campaigns and improve engagement rates.

Deliverability: High deliverability rates are essential for email marketing success (yes, we’re looking at you Mailchimp, hint hint).

Brevo boasts an impressive deliverability rate, building on their partnerships with leading email service providers to help maintain a strong sender reputation. SendGrid also prioritizes deliverability, employing a dedicated deliverability team to monitor and maintain email delivery rates.

Additional Features

Transactional Emails: Both Brevo and SendGrid offer transactional email capabilities, allowing businesses to send personalized and automated emails for order confirmations, account notifications, and more.

Welcome Emails and Onboarding: Sending welcome emails and onboarding sequences is crucial for nurturing new customers and guiding them through their initial interactions with your brand. Brevo and SendGrid provide features to set up welcome email series and onboarding campaigns, helping you make a great first impression and build customer loyalty.

Abandoned Cart Emails: Reducing cart abandonment is a top priority for e-commerce businesses. Brevo and SendGrid enable you to automate abandoned cart email campaigns, reminding customers to complete their purchase and recover potentially lost sales.

Call-to-Action Optimization: Both platforms offer features to optimize your call-to-action (CTA) buttons, helping you improve click-through rates and drive conversions. You can customize and test your CTAs to find the most effective design and placement.

Lead Capture and Lead Generation: Brevo and SendGrid provide tools to capture leads and grow your subscriber list. They offer customizable signup forms, pop-ups, and landing page builders to attract and convert website visitors into subscribers.


In conclusion, Brevo and SendGrid are both great platforms that outdo many of their competitors in most categories. They’re both affordable if you go for the paid plans but even their free plan’s pack a punch. Choosing between them really boils to what you need for your business.

Both Brevo and SendGrid offer robust email marketing software with a range of features to automate, integrate, and optimize your email campaigns.

Brevo excels in its features with its advanced automation, SMS and WhatsApp campaigns, and strong deliverability rates.

SendGrid stands out with its A/B testing functionality, extensive integration options, and a dedicated deliverability team.

Our final word would be, if you need very advanced technical marketing tools and are planning on emailing very large numbers of people, go for SendGrid. Otherwise, we’d advise you go for Brevo.

Further reading –
Brevo vs Mailchimp
– Best Mailchimp Alternatives

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