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Happy Birthday Siteground!


We’re reader-supported. If you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you at all. All of the commission comes from the brands themselves. This enables us to keep providing researched content. We appreciate your support!

To celebrate Siteground being 19, they’ve launched a special birthday deal!

Hosting for just $1.99 per month!

Click the image below to see more about the offer on their website!

Ad - Web Hosting from SiteGround - Crafted for easy site management. Click to learn more.

The £1.99 deal gets you the following –

  • 1 Website
  • 10 GB Web Space
  • ~ 10,000 Visits Monthly
  • Unmetered Traffic
  • Free SSL
  • Daily Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Free Email
  • Free Email Migrator
  • Enhanced Security
  • Ecommerce Enabled
  • Managed WordPress
  • Out-of-the-box Caching
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 100% renewable energy match
  • 30-Days Money-Back
  • Add Collaborators

Click here to see the deal on their website!

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