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Fiverr vs. Upwork vs. Freelancer – Which is best for Outsourcing in 2024?

Fiverr vs. Upwork vs. Freelancer - Which is best for Outsourcing in 2024?


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Freelancing has become more and more popular these days. Maybe lockdowns caused this or the expansion and wider availability of the internet caused it, or both. Either way, more and more people are building their side-hustles through these platforms and some are even making it their full time jobs.

At the same time, more and more businesses are turning to freelancers as an alternative to hiring full time staff. This is where Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer come in.

This guide aims to dissect these platforms and see which is best.


What we love:

✅ Very affordable
✅ User-friendly
✅ Massive array of services
✅ Very review-based so you, as the client, are very much in control
Fiverr for smaller tasks and Fiverr Pro for bigger projects

What we don’t love:

❌ Less vetting so stick with well-reviewed freelancers


What we love:

✅ Very high quality services guaranteed
✅ Freelancers are heavily vetted
✅ Less commission taken from Freelancers

What we don’t love:

❌ Very expensive in comparison
❌ Very strict for clients and freelancers alike
❌ Not great for small quick projects


What we love:

✅ Bidding system allows for cheaper prices
✅ Less work finding the best freelancers

What we don’t love:

❌ Almost too many on the platform so you get inundated with offers

The Freelancing Economy: A Snapshot

The freelance economy is booming, with over 73 million freelancers in the USA alone and global projections suggesting a rise to 1.5 billion self-employed individuals worldwide. This surge is fuelled by the flexibility, diversity, and scalability that freelancing offers to both workers and employers.

Exploring Freelancing Platforms: Fiverr vs. Upwork vs. Freelancer


Fiverr vs. Upwork vs. Freelancer

How Fiverr Works

Fiverr redefines freelancing by emphasizing micro-jobs or “gigs” that start at $5. It’s a marketplace where freelancers (sellers) offer packaged services and buyers explore these gigs to find the exact service they need, paying upfront for a streamlined transaction. The money is then kept in a sort-of “escrow” until the job is complete and the buyer is happy.

What are you looking for? Search below and see what Fiverr has to offer.

Fiverr Advantages

  • Budget-Friendly Solutions – Let’s get real—who doesn’t love saving a buck? Fiverr’s gig structure is a game-changer, with services starting as low as $5. Yup, you read that right. It’s perfect if you’re tight on cash but still want quality work. You can test the waters without diving headfirst into your wallet. Most Fiverr freelancers are hustling hard to keep their reviews shiny, so they’re motivated to deliver top-notch work.
  • Wide Range of Services – Need a logo? How about a voice-over, or maybe someone to read your horoscope? Fiverr’s got it all. Whether you need professional services like graphic design and digital marketing or quirky ones like personalized art and astrology readings, this platform is like a Swiss Army knife for freelancers. No matter how weird or wonderful your request, there’s probably someone on Fiverr who can do it.
  • User-Friendly Experience
    Technology can be a headache, but Fiverr is like the aspirin of freelance platforms. It’s designed to be super simple, so even if you’re not a tech wizard, you’ll find it easy to navigate. Hiring and chatting with freelancers is a breeze, making your project run smoother than a hot knife through butter.
  • Flexible Scaling for Projects – Got a small task or a massive project? Fiverr’s got you covered. You can hire a single freelancer for a quick job or assemble a dream team for a bigger project. It’s like having a magic wand to scale your project up or down as needed.
  • Built-in Review System – Worried about getting burned by a freelancer? Fiverr’s review and rating system has your back. You can check out previous client feedback and make smart hiring decisions. If a freelancer has 5 stars across hundreds of gigs, chances are they’re the real deal. This transparency keeps everyone on their toes, striving for excellence.
  • Protected Payments – Here’s a feature that’ll give you peace of mind: Fiverr holds your payment in escrow until you’re happy with the work. This means freelancers get paid fairly, and you get what you paid for before the money is released. It’s a win-win!
  • Worldwide Freelancer Pool – Fiverr connects you with talent from all over the globe. This means you get a smorgasbord of skills, perspectives, and experiences. Plus, having freelancers in different time zones can speed up your project—imagine waking up to find your job completed by someone across the world. Magic!
  • Efficient Search and Hire Process – Finding the right freelancer is a breeze with Fiverr’s advanced search filters. You can narrow down your options by service type, budget, delivery time, and seller level. And if you’re looking for the crème de la crème, check out Fiverr’s “Pro” services for vetted pros.
  • Emerging Technologies and Trends – Fiverr is always on the cutting edge, offering services in hot new fields like blockchain, AI, and virtual reality. No matter how futuristic your project, you’ll find someone on Fiverr who’s up to the task.

Fiverr Disadvantages

  • High Commission for Sellers: One of the major downsides of Fiverr is its hefty commission fee. Freelancers are hit with a flat 20% cut on every transaction. That’s right—20%!

    This chunk can seriously eat into their earnings. To cope with this, many freelancers bump up their prices to stay profitable, which means higher costs for you, the buyer. So, while you might score some deals, be prepared for the possibility of higher prices due to this commission structure.

    Stay tuned as we continue to dive into the pros and cons of other popular platforms like Upwork and Happy hiring (and freelancing)!

Another advantage of Fiverr for businesses

Fiverr’s Affiliate Program: Monetizing Your Business Site

Fiverr isn’t just a great platform for freelance services; it also offers a good opportunity for site owners and bloggers to potentially earn extra income through its Affiliate Program. This program is designed to reward you for bringing new buyers to Fiverr, providing a potentially lucrative way to monetize your website and/or social media channels. Whether you add a simple banner to your site or actually go and spread the word manually, bringing buyers to Fiverr can end up earning your a lot of recurring commission.

How It Works

The Fiverr Affiliate Program is straightforward. Once you’re signed up to the program, Fiverr gives you your own custom affiliate links. From there, you share them on your website, blog, social media, or any other online platform and when someone clicks your personal link and makes a purchase on Fiverr, you earn a commission. It’s that easy.

Plus, the commission rates are pretty good. It does depend what exactly the buyer gets. but The commission rates in the program vary depending on the service category they end up buying in, but the rates are generally pretty good and can add up to a pretty substantial income over time.

If you want to learn more about how to make the most of Fiverr’s Affiliate Program, check out our detailed article here.


How Upwork Works

Upwork is all about the classic bidding process. Clients post jobs, and freelancers apply for them. It’s great for everything from quick tasks to long-term projects, focusing on professional freelancing.

Upwork Advantages

  • Wide Range of Specializations: Think of Upwork as the mega-mall of freelancing. Need a coder, a writer, a digital marketer or even a PA? You’ll find loads of them on UpWork.
  • Global Talent Pool: Want to hire someone from across the globe? Upwork’s got you covered. You can find freelancers who match your project’s language, time zone, and skill requirements perfectly.
  • Vetted Professionals: Upwork does a solid job of vetting its freelancers. They check out work history, portfolios, and client reviews, so you have a better chance of hiring someone who knows what they’re doing.
  • Top Rated and Rising Talent Badges: Keep an eye out for “Top Rated” and “Rising Talent” badges. These are like trust badges that show freelancers who consistently deliver great work or are new but promising. It’s a quick way to gauge quality.
  • Negotiable Rates: Upwork lets you negotiate rates directly with freelancers. This means you can work within your budget and find a good deal that works for both sides.
  • Protection with Hourly Protection and Fixed-Price Protection: Upwork has your back with their protection schemes. You only pay for work that meets your standards, whether it’s by the hour or a fixed price. This adds a layer of security to your transactions.
  • Built-In Work Diary and Time Tracker: For hourly projects, Upwork offers tools like a work diary and time tracker. These let you keep an eye on progress in real-time, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Upwork Disadvantages

  • Competitiveness: Freelancers face a lot of competition on Upwork. While this gives clients plenty of options, it can be tough for new freelancers to get noticed and land jobs.
  • Fee Structure: Upwork charges freelancers a sliding service fee based on their earnings. As of May 2023, this fee is a flat 10%, which can take a bite out of their pay. This might lead some freelancers to increase their rates to cover the fee, potentially raising costs for clients.


How Freelancer Works is all about direct connections and communication between you and freelancers. Unlike Fiverr, where you reach out to the freelancer and explain your job, on, you post the details of the job, and freelancers bid on them in an auction type setup.

Whether you need a quick task done ASAP or a major project tackled over the next few months, this platform supports is suited to it.

Freelancer Advantages

  • Global Reach: Access to a vast pool of international gives you easy access to a huge pool of talent from all around the world. No matter where you are, you can find the right freelancer for your job. Another big thing about the global nature of Freelancer and the other two platforms is it also allows you to reach talent at a more affordable price compared to where you live.Global Reach: Access to a vast pool of international talent.
  • Project Diversity: Got a wide range of tasks needing doing? can handle it all. From designing a logo and writing content to developing software, Freelancer has categories to cover a vast array of skills.
  • Competitive Bidding: One of the cool things about is the bidding system. Freelancers compete to win your job, which can help drive prices down. You might score a great deal and keep your project costs low.

Freelancer Disadvantages

  • Fee Complexity: The fee structure on can be a bit tricky. Both you and the freelancers face various fees, and they can add up, especially on smaller projects. Make sure to check the fees upfront so you’re not caught unawares at the end.

Which to choose? Fiverr vs. Upwork vs. Freelancer

Deciding between Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer is difficult and it really just depends on what job you need doing. Some jobs will be perfect for Fiverr, others will need UpWork-level professionalism, with the price tag of course. Here’s a quick breakdown to help you figure out which platform is your best match for you and your project:

Fiverr: Probably the best overall but particularly great for quick, small tasks or niche services.
Upwork: Ideal for long-term projects needing professional expertise (although with the higher price tag).
Freelancer: Perfect for a variety of projects and if you’re happy enough with their bidding style/format.

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Needs

  • Project Size and Complexity: If you’re dealing with a big, complicated project, Fiverr and Upwork are going to be your go-to choices, in our opinion. We’re yet to encounter a task set by us or by our clients, where there isn’t a freelancer on these platforms to help.
  • Budget Considerations: On a tight budget? Fiverr is usually the cheapest starting point. For bigger projects, Upwork and Freelancer can be more cost-effective because of their bidding systems, which can drive prices down.

When Should You Hire Freelancers via Freelancer Platforms?

Freelancers can be a lifesaver when you need:

Specialized skills: Bring in an expert for a specific task your team can’t handle.
Help with peak workloads: Get through busy times without hiring permanent staff.
Global perspectives: Tap into international talent for unique insights.
If you need long-term collaboration or have a complex project requiring a dedicated team, you might want to look into specialized agencies or tech partners.

Concluding Thoughts

Choosing between Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer really depends on what you need:

Fiverr: Best for quick, one-off tasks with its micro-gig setup.
Upwork: Great for long-term projects and professional freelancing.
Freelancer: Excellent for a wide range of projects with competitive pricing.
Think about your project’s size, budget, and the expertise you need. Each platform has something unique to offer. By understanding these differences, you can make the best choice and ensure a successful project.


  1. How many freelancers are on Fiverr?

    Fiverr has over 830,000 active freelancers and serves customers from over 190 countries.
  2. How many Buyers are on Fiverr?

    Fiverr is used by 4.3 million buyers each year, making it one of the most popular freelance marketplaces in the world.
  3. How many freelancers and buyers are on UpWork?

    Upwork has over 18 million freelancers and 5 million buyers in over 180 countries.
  4. How many freelancers and buyers are on Freelancer? boasts over 50 million registered users, which includes both freelancers and buyers.

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