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Brevo vs Mailgun

Brevo vs Mailgun comparison mailgun vs brevo


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Brevo vs Mailgun – A Brief Overview

brevo vs moosend

Brevo (Previously Sendinblue)

Forever Free Plan: Yes (Click here to see the Free Plan)

Features of the free plan –

✅ Unlimited Contacts/Email list subscribers
✅ 300 emails/day
✅ Customizable Email
✅ Drag & Drop Editor
✅ Transactional Emails
✅ SMS & WhatsApp Campaigns

Paid Plans: From $25 a month

$25 plan includes:

✅ Everything in the free plan (including unlimited contacts)
✅ From 20k emails/month
✅ No daily sending limit
✅ Basic reporting & analytics
✅ Email support


Forever Free Plan: No (30 day free trial of $35 plan only)

Paid plans: From $35 per month

$35 plan includes:

❌ SMS & WhatsApp Campaigns
✅ Full access to our RESTful Email APIs and SMTP relays for sending
✅ Inbound Routing for Email Receiving
✅ Tracking, Analytics, and Webhooks
✅ 5 days log retention
✅ Email Template builder and API
✅ Ticket Support

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, the significance of efficient email marketing tools cannot be overstated. As we venture into 2024, Brevo and Mailgun are two of the biggest frontrunners in this domain, each offering unique features and capabilities. This detailed comparison aims to dissect the nuances of these platforms, guiding businesses and digital marketers in making an informed decision.


Brevo is going to be easier to use for about 95% of marketing users. Mailgun is considerably trickier to use and really requires some techy knowhow to really utilise it to the fullest. Brevo, on the other hand, is renowned in the email marketing space with its user-centric approach and innovative technology. Designed for small to medium-sized businesses, it emphasizes ease-of-use and effective marketing automation.

Mailgun is a powerhouse in the world of email delivery services. Renowned for its scalability and sophisticated solutions, it caters to a diverse range of businesses, from startups to large enterprises.

It’s used by the likes of Microsoft, American Express and Wikipedia according to its website, so the credentials are there.

Features Comparison

Email Automation

Brevo shines with its intuitive automation tools, perfect for crafting engaging email campaigns with minimal effort. Its standout feature is the drag-and-drop editor, which simplifies the process of designing custom email flows. Even their Free Forever Plan packs a punch.

Mailgun offers a more robust automation environment, ideal for executing complex marketing strategies. Its powerful scripting capabilities allow for highly personalized and targeted email campaigns.

Analytics and Reporting

Brevo’s analytics suite offers insightful data on campaign performance, tracking metrics like engagement rates, audience growth, and conversion tracking.

Mailgun provides advanced analytics tools, enabling businesses to delve deeper into email performance metrics, subscriber behavior, and deliverability rates.

User Experience and Interface

Brevo boasts a streamlined interface that is both aesthetically pleasing and functionally efficient, making it a top choice for those new to email marketing and even the more seasoned marketing veteran. Brevo capitalised on the foundations Mailchimp set back in the day with the super easy drag-and-drop builder, and made it better, in our opinion.

Brevo’s simple yet powerful interface

Mailgun, with its comprehensive feature set, requires a bit more time to master. However, it offers unparalleled customization options for the experienced marketer.

Mailgun’s powerful but complex interface

Integration and Compatibility

Brevo’s ability to integrate with popular platforms like Salesforce, Shopify, and WordPress makes it a versatile tool for various marketing ecosystems.

Mailgun’s API is a standout feature, offering extensive compatibility and integration options with numerous platforms, enhancing its utility in complex tech stacks.

Pricing and Plans

Brevo’s pricing model is transparent and budget-friendly, with their powerful forever free plan and scalable options starting at just $25 a month, ideal for growing businesses seeking cost-effective solutions.

Mailgun’s pricing is more variable, focusing on email volume, starting at $35 a month. It offers tailored plans that can be customized to suit the unique needs of larger enterprises.

Customer Support and Community

Brevo provides excellent customer service with a responsive support team and a comprehensive knowledge base, making it easier for users to resolve issues quickly.

Mailgun offers robust support mechanisms, including a dedicated support team, detailed documentation, and an active community forum for peer-to-peer assistance.

Pros and Cons Analysis

Brevo Advantages:

  • Super simple to use
  • Very affordable
  • Efficient for small to medium-sized email campaigns
  • SMS/WhatsApp functionality built in
  • Huge network of video tutorials on YouTube and others

Brevo Disadvantages:

  • Limited in advanced technical features

Mailgun Advantages:

  • Extensive customization and scalability
  • Advanced analytics and reporting tools
  • Ideal for high-volume email campaigns

Mailgun Disadvantages:

  • Higher cost, especially for high-volume users
  • Requires technical proficiency for full utilization

User Reviews and Testimonials

Brevo users often highlight its straightforward approach and exceptional value for money, making it highly recommended for small businesses. Mailgun’s clientele appreciates its reliability and scalability, deeming it a robust solution for larger businesses and tech-savvy marketers.

Brevo tops Mailgun with 4.5/5 compared to Mailguns 4.3/5, after over double the number of reviews.

Final Recommendations

Choosing between Brevo and Mailgun hinges on several factors including business size, technical capabilities, and specific marketing requirements.

Basically unless you’re looking for a solution for a very large company, Brevo is going to be the best option between the two.

Brevo is ideally suited for newcomers and small-business campaigns, while Mailgun is the go-to choice for complex, large-volume email marketing needs.

See Brevo’s Plans

See Mailgun’s Plans


The decision to select the right email marketing tool forms a crucial component of a successful digital marketing strategy. Whether opting for the user-friendly Brevo or the feature-rich Mailgun, align your choice with your marketing objectives and operational scale. We encourage an in-depth exploration of both platforms, ensuring a well-informed decision for your email marketing strategy in 2023.

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